The 6 Best Substitutes for Rice Vinegar

The 6 Best Substitutes for Rice Vinegar

Rice vinegar, a staple in Asian cuisine, offers a delicate sweetness to dishes. Yet, when you’re short on this essential ingredient, fear not! Here’s your expert guide to six top substitutes for rice vinegar:

White Wine Vinegar

Expert Tip: White wine vinegar’s mild acidity mirrors rice vinegar, making it a seamless swap. Add a touch of sugar to balance the sweetness.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Expert Tip: With its mild flavour, apple cider vinegar easily steps in for rice vinegar. Adjust with a bit of sugar to match the sweetness.

Lemon or Lime Juice

Expert Tip: For a tangy twist, lemon or lime juice works wonders. Just double the amount for the same acidity punch.

Champagne Vinegar

Expert Tip: With its subtle taste, champagne vinegar complements seafood and dressings. Use it in equal measure as rice vinegar.

Seasoned Rice Vinegar

Expert Tip: Seasoned rice vinegar, with added sugar and salt, makes an easy switch. Adjust the recipe by reducing sugar and salt accordingly.

Sherry Vinegar

Expert Tip: Rich and slightly sweet, sherry vinegar is a fitting stand-in for rice vinegar in any recipe, offering a similar taste and acidity level.

The Bottom Line

While rice vinegar enhances dishes, these substitutes ensure your culinary journey never stalls. From pickled veggies to dressings, there’s a suitable alternative for every recipe.

Ksenia Sobchak