Think Twice Before Smoking Magic Mushrooms

Think Twice Before Smoking Magic Mushrooms


While smoking mushrooms might intrigue some, whether it yields the psychedelic journey akin to consuming them is debatable. From crushing dried mushrooms into a powder and smoking them solo or mixed with tobacco or cannabis to experimenting with purified psilocybin crystals in pipes, these methods aren’t advisable.

Healthline’s Stance

Healthline refrains from endorsing illegal substance use, promoting instead accessible and precise information to mitigate potential risks. While there’s a dearth of research on the effects of smoking mushrooms, anecdotal evidence suggests mild highs or minimal effects, possibly due to the breakdown of psilocybin, the primary psychedelic component, at high temperatures.

What Happens When You Smoke Mushrooms?

Despite the lack of scientific evidence, users report varied experiences, from mild highs to minimal effects, often accompanied by nausea. The breakdown of psilocybin at high temperatures could explain the limited psychological effects.

Is it Dangerous?

Smoking mushrooms poses specific hazards such as exposure to harmful toxins and particulates, heightened risks for lung inflammation or infections from mold spores, and the potential for distressing hallucinations or physical side effects. It’s crucial to weigh these risks against the desire for a psychedelic experience.

Other Consumption Methods

Mushrooms are primarily ingested orally, either dry or fresh, and are often added to foods or steeped in boiling water or tea. However, methods like smoking or snorting powdered mushrooms are discouraged due to potential health risks.

Safety Tips for Mushroom Use

If considering mushroom use, exploring safer consumption methods and adhering to harm-reduction practices is wise. This includes starting with a low dose, avoiding mixing substances, having a sober trip-sitter, and being mindful of one’s physical and mental state.

When to Seek Help

Knowing when to seek help is crucial. Symptoms like trouble breathing, irregular heartbeat, agitation, aggression, or seizures after consuming mushrooms warrant immediate medical attention.


While smoking mushrooms might seem like a shortcut to a psychedelic experience, it carries significant health risks and may not produce the desired effects. It’s essential to approach mushroom use with caution, prioritizing harm reduction and seeking help if needed.

Monika Wasserman
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